Rebelling at the Stagnation of the Mind through Writing and Illustration

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Fact List: Things You Didn't Know About ARMM

We were taught history ever since we were in grade school.
Admit it; you were bored out of your mind (unless you were addicted to history, anyway).
What if I told you that we can make it fun through blogging?
Find out things you didn't know about ARMM in The Fact List!

Unroll ye old scroll of facts!


Did you know that there is a myth revolving around the creation of Lake Lanao?

In the Maranao culture, the myth says that an army of angels under the command of the Archangel Diabarail, removed the vast population of Mantapoli and placed it in the center of the earth in accordance to the wishes of Allah.

The spot that it left accumulated so much water that Diabarail asked for the assistance of the Four Winds of the World, and created an outlet for the overflowing waters. The hole then became lake Lanao and the outlet the Agus river.

Interesting, right?
Bet you didn't learn that in school!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Souvenirs: Bringing Home Memories of ARMM

You're about to leave, armed with travel pack and hiking boots, geared and ready to fly solo (or with buddies) to places your heart wishes to take you.
When suddenly in the distance you hear a faint, but clear shout:

"Please bring us souvenirs when you get back!"

What traveler hasn't heard of this puppy-eyed statement from friends, neighbors, relatives or even acquaintances?

With a reluctant sigh, that has unfortunately escaped most travelers' lips,  a slight eye-roll, and a tepid smile, you give a nod and take hold of your wallet, saying a tearful goodbye to every penny you've scraped up for this trip.

And yet you do it.

For friendship! For love!
Onward, brave human! Bring home memories (of ARMM)! Share it with the world!

Ah, yes!
The Yakans, Sama, and Badjao have successfully weaved their way into your heart 
- and into your souvenir bags. 
You know, for you to treasure and brag about!

Mats from Bongao, Tawi-Tawi.

Inaul Tapis (wrap around skirts) of the Maguindanao tribes.
Woven fabrics from Basilan. Photo:

You have to bring something shiny back home as well
(since your wallet should be rid of all things shiny - coins and cash - by now)! 
Why not consider Lanao del Sur's lovely brass work?

Brasswork from Marawi, Lanao del Sur.
Don't forget to grab your fair share of exotic fruit on the way back.
Beneath the spiky, smelly (not kidding, it's often described as "hell") exterior, is the taste of heaven.
Remember to pack them nicely into your luggage, so they don't get taken away at the airport!

P.S. They also come in candy or ice cream.

Durian.  Photo:

Tip: Please do not forget to pay the wonderful weavers and brass makers a little extra for their amazing handicrafts!

Work of art like these is a combination a lot of hard work that takes dedication, a LOT of time,
dreaming (Yes! Weavers dream of their future work before proceeding to their looms.), 
and taking inspiration for patterns in nature,
 for you to hold the glorious handicrafts in your hands.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Visual Recap: Scenic Views of ARMM

Have you read my blog post about the Ten Breathtaking Natural Beauties of ARMM, yet?
If you have, then here are several more pictures of the scenic views you ought to visit!
There's plenty to see and it only takes a few scrolls to get amazed and awed by the beauty that is ARMM.

Let's visit paradise once again!

Lake Lanao

(Photo: beyond666-acson005.blogspot)

Agus River

(Photo: xplorerboyz.blogspot)

Lake Buluan

(Photo: vincibueza.blogspot)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Eat's About Time!: A Taste of ARMM

All of these virtual touring we're doing is making me hungry!
Eat's about time we grabbed a bite and took a taste of ARMM!
Get your taste buds ready for a gastronomic adventure you don't want to miss!
I'm so excited about food blogging, the amount of exclamation points will drive you crazy!

A heads up, since our fellowmen in Mindanao are mostly Muslim, expect a lot of delicious Halal food.

Let's eat!

1. Palapa

Pa-pa-lapa, papa-la-lapa-pa.

Palapa is a main ingredient in many Maranao dishes, plus, it doubles as an appetizer all year round!
It is made out of ginger, chili, and scallions or sakurab as the locals call it.
It may be eaten raw, after being crushed and blended finely with a good ol' mortar and pestle.
It's spicy and tangy when eaten, so make sure you have a glass (or a pitcher...or a river, whichever floats your boat) of water in reach!

2. Rendang

Oh dear. Just looking at pictures of Rendang is making me hungry. And I just had lunch!

This beefy delight has been voted at a 2011 CNN poll as the Most Delicious Food in the World
If that won't make you want to taste this, then I don't know what will.
My powers of persuasion, maybe? *wink*

What is Rendang, exactly, you ask?
It is a dish that originated in Indonesia, and has found its way all the way to the Southern Philippines, to the Maranaos, who with much passion for food and culture, made it their own. How magical!

It is cooked with beef, and reduced coconut milk that has a dark and sweet consistency, and served with rice. It is like a caldereta, curry, and latik all-in-one.

3. Tinadtag

This crunchy, golden brown delicacy that looks like fried bihon noodles is made from ground rice mixed with sugar. The rice flour is soaked in clean water until it forms a sticky mixture. Then, it is placed in a coconut bowl and stirred in a circular motion. The mixture is left to trickle into a pot of boiling oil, usually virgin coconut oil, to let it form into a round shape. Once it is crisp, it is put into a pan and folded into a wedge shape.

Easy to make and easier to eat!

4. Putli-Mandi

Putli-Mandi or commonly called Pichi-Pichi in other areas of the Philippines is a traditional Filipino dessert made out of grated cassava, pandan water, and sugar.  It is formed into small balls and then boiled.  Once cooked, it is coated in fresh shredded coconut. Yum!

5. Tyula Itum

'Tula' or cooking with soup and 'Itum' or black, Tyula Itum is a beef-based soup that is dark-green or blackish in color. Weird colors for food, you say? Don't worry! It's just a little burnt coconut and turmeric.

Best eaten on a rainy day or just when it's freshly cooked and warm!
Make sure to try this as this is a specialty of the region!

6. Guso


It's green as well! That's because Guso is seaweed!
Once the locals from Tawi-Tawi has cooked and mixed in soy sauce, ginger and onions to this dish, it will look yellowish instead.

7. Dulang

(Photo: tagumdayaw.blogspot)
Dulang is a food set composed of rice and malagkit, kaliya (chicken) kenna (fish), and vegetables.  The rice is molded into a cone-ish shape, very much like a piece of Kisses chocolate, I thought! The viands and rice are placed on a large banana leaf, where the viands are sat around the rice, and then it's covered with a tutup or a native covering to protect it from flies. A complete meal usually served during special occasions like Thanksgiving.

8. Piyanggang Manok


Piyanggang Manok is very much like Tyula Itum, that it also uses burnt coconut and turmeric, but it is added with coconut milk to make it creamier.  The chicken can be grilled to add more flavor, served with rice and sauces.

9. Beef Kurma


Beef Kurma, is the Tausug's version of a beef curry. It is cooked with coconut milk and vegetables, and served with rice.

10. Sayul Nangkah Tahay Kumay

(Photo: umnoha.blogspot)

Sayul Nangkah Tahay Kumay is young jack fruit in turmeric with fried fish, vegetables and chilies. Serve with a side of rice, as per the norm in the Philippines, and you're going to be satisfied!

That's it for food that you must try in ARMM! I'm satiated!
Of course, there are plenty more out there.
You must find them, take a bite and blog about them as well!
'Til next time!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Ten Breathtaking Natural Beauties of ARMM

That's the only thing I could think of while making this blog post.  
It's probably because I chose to listen to Coldplay today, and have developed an earworm within a span of a few hours. 

Nonetheless, ARMM has several interesting and gorgeous natural attractions that just begs to be seen and appreciated by local and international tourists alike for its undeniable beauty.

So, put on your coziest blogging attires, and your best mouse forward as we take a virtual tour through the Breathtaking Natural Beauties of ARMM.

Let's scroll!

1. The Ancient Lake Lanao

(Photo: journalofawayfarer.blogspot)

Did you know that Lake Lanao, found in Lanao del Sur, is not only the second biggest freshwater lake in the Philippines, but is also one of the 15 ancient lakes of the entire world?  Crazy fun fact! It is in between 2 and 20 million years old before the present time.  Can you imagine? 

In the Maranao culture, there is a myth that tells the story of the creation of the Lanao Lake.  It is said that an army of angels under the command of the Archangel Diabarail, removed the vast population of Mantapoli and placed it in the center of the earth in accordance to the wishes of Allah.

The spot that it left accumulated so much water that Diabarail asked for the assistance of the Four Winds of the World, and created an outlet for the overflowing waters. The hole then became lake Lanao and the outlet the Agus river.

Interesting, right? 

2. Agus River (Flow river, flow...)


Did you know that the Agus river is the swiftest river in the country? It descends from 2,200 feet from its source, flows for 21 miles before draining into the sea, one that goes over the Maria Cristina falls while the other the Linamon Falls. 

3. Ligawasan Marsh - The Mega Marsh of Mindanao

Did you know that the Ligawasan Marsh is the largest swamp and marsh area in Mindanao and one of the largest in the Philippines, covering an astounding area of 288,000 hectares? It is not one, not two, but three combinations of marshes namely the Ligawasan, Libungan, and Ebpanan marshes - The Mega Marsh of Mindanao!

4.  Be astonished of the beauty of Lake Buluan 

Lake Buluan is the third largest lake in Mindanao, spanning a surface area of 61.34 kilometers, and an average elevation of 4.5 meters.

5. Relax at Sumagdang Beach

Escape to Sumagdang Beach in Isabela, Basilan, a natural swimming resort amidst coconut plantations, rice fields, and fishponds. A quiet little haven for the weary and stressed.

6. Fall head over heels at Bulingan Falls  

Bulingan Falls is hidden in the dense forest of Lamitan City.  It is a true gem with the water cascading over a pipe organ looking ensemble of rocks. Truly a magnificent sight.

7. Go over the edge at the peak of Bud Bongao


Bud Bongao is one of the iconic peaks of this region. You have to trek over this holy peak or your visit to Tawi-Tawi will feel incomplete, especially because the breathtaking summit offers the greatest panoramic view of Sanga-Sanga Island and the sea below.

8. Turtle Isles of Tawi-Tawi


A turtle sanctuary, Turtle Islands are the only living areas for the Green Sea Turtles in Asia and the whole world.  In 1996, it was declared as a Heritage Protected Area by both the governments of the Philippines and Malaysia.

9. Jaw-dropping Tubbataha Reefs


Gorgeous and glorious.  Two words that best describes the reefs. It is so beautiful it was honored and added to UNESCO's World Heritage List in December 1993, the Philippines' very first.

10. Maubo Beach


Maubo Beach brags about its 1 kilometer of powder white sand.  It is frequented by local tourists due to its accessibility.

What to expect in the next blog post: FOOD to DIE for!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Five ARMMazing Things You Must Do!

Everyone will probably agree with the statement "Life's a bore without excitement". Sometimes you just need a little money, a big travel pack, and a great travel buddy to spend your time trying out new things in far off places! 

Well, guess what?

You might experience the most exciting trip of your life in ARMM!

So, here's Five ARMMazing Things You Must Do!

Let's take a trip!

1. Visit Aga Khan Museum in Marawi City, Lanao del Sur

It is located in Mindano State University which was founded in 1962.

They feature the most ARMMazing collection of indigenous art and cultural materials, like the okir or carvings and nagas or serpent figures, ethnic music, the native tools and weapons used by the Muslims, and Muslim houses, also known as the torogan, of different artistic designs.


2. Join in on the fun at the Guinakit Fluvial Parade at the Rio Grande de Mindanao in Cotabato City, Maguindanao!

Guinakit means "bancas" that are tied together and decorated with traditional Muslim decors.  The Guinakit is an reenactment of the arrival of Shariff Muhammad Kabunsuan who introduced the Islamic faith to the region. This is just one of  the many ARMMazing water sports the Rio Grande de Mindanao can offer.

3. Bask in the glory of the Yakan weavers.


The Yakan are a peace-loving, geometric-design weaving group of people that are mostly based in Basilan. Their weaving skills are definitely a sight to see with its ARMMazing colors and intricate patterns.

 4. Dive in the deep waters of Tubbataha Reef

Glorious and gorgeous.  Two words that can best describe how ARMMazing the reefs are.  It is so beautiful, it was honored and added to UNESCO's World Heritage List in December 1993, the Philippines' very first. 

5. Row through the Venice of Tawi-Tawi, Sitangkai

Besides being called the "Venice of Tawi-Tawi" because people prefer riding boats, Sitangkai doubles as a floating market, their wares coming from the sea and the small agricultural lands they have.

Here's where I will end my post! 

What to expect on the next blog post: 10 Natural Attractions in ARMM!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Land ARMMed with Beauty Unseen

Have you ever wondered what the places in the far ends of the Philippines looked like? It may seem too far from Manila, but it has great tourism potential and certainly a lot to offer to the travelers who wish to get a fresh, exciting taste of Mindanao.
Join me as we take a visual trip to the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao: The Land ARMMed with Beauty Unseen.
Flag of ARMM
Official Seal of ARMM

What better way to start our journey than to look at maps!

The Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), also known as Bangsamoro, is comprised of five predominantly Muslim provinces: Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi.  Both Lanao del Sur and Maguindanao rests on the west coast of Mindanao while Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi floats in between the Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea.
Let's take a peak at the different provinces, shall we?


Lanao del Sur - The Land of Beauty and Bounty, with its capital city, Marawi, can be found to the south of Lanao del Norte, on the east of Bukidnon and at the north of Maguindanao. With a land area of 3, 873 km2, it is the home to 933, 260 people who speak Maranao, Cebuano, Arabic, English and Filipino.


Maguindanao - The Province on the Risewith its capital Shariff Aguak, is found to the south of Lanao del Sur, Cotabato to its east and Sultan Kudarat to its south. Its land area of  7,142.0 km2 houses 944,718 people who speak Bahasa Maguindanao or Maguindanaon.


Pesong Kaam Kemon!  That's their motto in Basilan.  It's capital city is Isabela but it is administered by the Zamboanga Peninsula Region. The 293,322 Basilanin live in a 1,358.9 km2 island, which is the largest group of islands in the Sulu Archipelago.  They speak multiple languages and dialects, some of which are Chavacano, Samal, Joloano, Yakan, Maranao, Visayan, Tagalog, and llocano.


Sulu is a group of islands nestled in between Basilan and Tawi-Tawi.  Its capital is called Jolo. Its 2,135.3 km2 land area is inhabited by 718,290 "people of the current" who speak Tausug, Yakan and Sinama.


Last but certainly not the least is the island group of Tawi-Tawi. It is located to the west of Sulu and not far from Sabah, Malaysia. Its land area of 1,087.40 km2 is inhabited by 366,550 people.  They speak the indigenous language of Bahasa Sama, local dialects like Sinama Sibutu, Sinama Simunul, Sinama Kapoan, and Sinama Banguingui as well as English, Filipino, Malay, Indonesian. Zamboangueño Chavacano, and the Tausug language.


Now, how do we get to these places?

By Air
  • Mainland Provinces – Maguindanao, Shariff Kabunsuan, and Lanao del Sur including Marawi City
  • Island Provinces – Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, and Basilan including Lamitan City by Air
  • Accessible via Awang Airport (DOS, S.K.), General Santos City Airport, Cagayan de Oro Airport, and Davao International Airport.
  • Accessible via Zamboanga International Airport, Jolo Airport (Sulu), and Bongao Airport (Tawi-Tawi)
By Sea
  • Port of Jolo (Sulu) and Bongao Port (Tawi-Tawi); and daily services of inter-island motorized boats (banca)
By Land
  • Accessible by busses and air-conditioned vans (daily services); Iligan City to Marawi City is a 45 minute drive,
Ooops! Sorry, but I have to let you hang on a cliff for a while.
What you should expect to see on my next blog posts: Interesting Facts about ARMM and its People, The Best Things to Do in ARMM and ARMM's Exciting Tourism Destinations!
'Til next time!
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