Rebelling at the Stagnation of the Mind through Writing and Illustration

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Ten Breathtaking Natural Beauties of ARMM

That's the only thing I could think of while making this blog post.  
It's probably because I chose to listen to Coldplay today, and have developed an earworm within a span of a few hours. 

Nonetheless, ARMM has several interesting and gorgeous natural attractions that just begs to be seen and appreciated by local and international tourists alike for its undeniable beauty.

So, put on your coziest blogging attires, and your best mouse forward as we take a virtual tour through the Breathtaking Natural Beauties of ARMM.

Let's scroll!

1. The Ancient Lake Lanao

(Photo: journalofawayfarer.blogspot)

Did you know that Lake Lanao, found in Lanao del Sur, is not only the second biggest freshwater lake in the Philippines, but is also one of the 15 ancient lakes of the entire world?  Crazy fun fact! It is in between 2 and 20 million years old before the present time.  Can you imagine? 

In the Maranao culture, there is a myth that tells the story of the creation of the Lanao Lake.  It is said that an army of angels under the command of the Archangel Diabarail, removed the vast population of Mantapoli and placed it in the center of the earth in accordance to the wishes of Allah.

The spot that it left accumulated so much water that Diabarail asked for the assistance of the Four Winds of the World, and created an outlet for the overflowing waters. The hole then became lake Lanao and the outlet the Agus river.

Interesting, right? 

2. Agus River (Flow river, flow...)


Did you know that the Agus river is the swiftest river in the country? It descends from 2,200 feet from its source, flows for 21 miles before draining into the sea, one that goes over the Maria Cristina falls while the other the Linamon Falls. 

3. Ligawasan Marsh - The Mega Marsh of Mindanao

Did you know that the Ligawasan Marsh is the largest swamp and marsh area in Mindanao and one of the largest in the Philippines, covering an astounding area of 288,000 hectares? It is not one, not two, but three combinations of marshes namely the Ligawasan, Libungan, and Ebpanan marshes - The Mega Marsh of Mindanao!

4.  Be astonished of the beauty of Lake Buluan 

Lake Buluan is the third largest lake in Mindanao, spanning a surface area of 61.34 kilometers, and an average elevation of 4.5 meters.

5. Relax at Sumagdang Beach

Escape to Sumagdang Beach in Isabela, Basilan, a natural swimming resort amidst coconut plantations, rice fields, and fishponds. A quiet little haven for the weary and stressed.

6. Fall head over heels at Bulingan Falls  

Bulingan Falls is hidden in the dense forest of Lamitan City.  It is a true gem with the water cascading over a pipe organ looking ensemble of rocks. Truly a magnificent sight.

7. Go over the edge at the peak of Bud Bongao


Bud Bongao is one of the iconic peaks of this region. You have to trek over this holy peak or your visit to Tawi-Tawi will feel incomplete, especially because the breathtaking summit offers the greatest panoramic view of Sanga-Sanga Island and the sea below.

8. Turtle Isles of Tawi-Tawi


A turtle sanctuary, Turtle Islands are the only living areas for the Green Sea Turtles in Asia and the whole world.  In 1996, it was declared as a Heritage Protected Area by both the governments of the Philippines and Malaysia.

9. Jaw-dropping Tubbataha Reefs


Gorgeous and glorious.  Two words that best describes the reefs. It is so beautiful it was honored and added to UNESCO's World Heritage List in December 1993, the Philippines' very first.

10. Maubo Beach


Maubo Beach brags about its 1 kilometer of powder white sand.  It is frequented by local tourists due to its accessibility.

What to expect in the next blog post: FOOD to DIE for!

1 comment:

  1. Tubbataha is part of Palawan. Also, Liguasan or Ligwasan Marsh (not Ligawasan).


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